Today is finished object Friday. I have a finished Age of Brass and Steam to show off today. It's made out of Madeline Tosh Merino a skein and a third. I did a couple of extra rows after the last eyelet row and more rows of garter; so mine has a large wider garter ridge border than the pattern calls for.
I adore these colors. And they look better in person. The colorway is Spectrum. Kind of says it all.
I love love love it. Today is all about the love. With the extra repeats it is a little bit longer than the pattern dimensions. Which is great for me because I'll be wrapping that around my neck when it gets cold here. For those of you in the rest of the country that actually gets weather, cold means 62 degrees or lower.
For more Fo's check out Tamis Amis' blog
Have a wonderful weekend. One, hopefully, without any work of any kind.
Im off too!!! Hooray for no work weekend. I LOVE your shawl. Great work