Friday, February 27, 2015

Five on Friday

It's Friday!!!!!  TGIF!!!!  Love me some Fridays!

Enough exclamation points for you?  I love Fridays.  It means two whole days without having to commute on the train for a few hours each day to go to work.  Don't get me wrong I love the knitting time.  But I love time off more.

This week I am trying a new link up through the Love Made My Home Blog.  It's called Five on Friday.

1.  I have an FO and since Fridays used to be Finished Objects Fridays I thought it appropriate to show them off here.  They are a new pair of socks.  Made out of the Fable yarn.  I hated, just hated, every minute of knitting these until I was past the gusset.  There is nothing wrong with the yarn.  The needles I used annoyed me slightly, but it wasn't that either.  They aren't my "colors".  That was offered as a theory as to why I didn't like knitting them (at knitting group where it was noticed they were hanging around as a WiP much longer than usual for socks).  I couldn't tell you.  I just would knit a row, get bored and work on something else.  But they are done.  And I like them.

2.  Camping.  I've been thinking about going camping lately.  The thing I like best about camping is that you can do as much or as little as you want.  It is perfectly acceptable to sit around a camp fire and knit or chat or just stare at the scenery as it is to hike and run or play with little toys like quads all day.  Here's a picture of the last time I went camping (which happened to be in the desert on a dry lake bed-a first experience for me-the desert camping that is).

3.  Count your blessings.  It's good to be reminded to think about all of the blessings that we have in our lives and forget or stop focusing on the bad.

4.  Decisions.  One of the most fun experiences in starting a new yarn store is getting to meet with yarn distributor representatives.  Yesterday we met with the rep for among other things, Frog Tree Yarns  and another rep from Cascade.  Here's a few of the Cascade yarns we looked at and get to play with while we determine which yarns to carry.

5.  Our Kickstarter.  Please help us get the word out about our kickstarter.  We think the shirts and other rewards are fun and priced reasonably (if you have an opinion or an idea-let us know-comment here or on kickstarter.)

Shirt of the day:

The animals will be white because we've decided to do colored shirts and will have a variety of colors to choose from.  

For more 5 on Fridays go to Love Made My Home

Have a great weekend and Make something fun or yummy or both

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

WiPs Wednesday

Happy Hump Day!  So I just have a couple of things to show you today.  I know I have a pile of WiPs in a basket at home and it's past time to dig into them and finish them up.  Especially the ones that are just about done.  But it's so much more enticing to start something new-isn't it.

First up is the Suri Shawl. I was gifted a Suri shawl as part of a Christmas swap and I love love love it.  So I wanted to make another one. I chose a skein of 100% purple silk.  I am using the needle size recommended in the pattern.  The shawl has a tighter gauge than the finished shawl I was gifted.  So I plan to cast on yet another one and change the needle size to several sizes up to get that nice loose gauge that my first Suri has.

It's a bit past the half way point.  Still loving it.  Simple knit.

The only other WiP I've got updated photos of is my Boo Knit- Out of Darkness shawl being knit of out some incredibly thin lace weight-mystery yarn.  If I remember correctly a friend found this yarn at a goodwill or store like it and it was labeled wool.

So far the needles still weight at least twice the weight of the knitted shawl.  It's like a cloud.  I really can't wait for it to be finished.  But I haven't had the time to knit on it and with beads it is not ideal for train knitting.

Have you heard of the Woolful Podcast?  I just found out about it.  I don't remember which podcaster mentioned it, but it was within the last couple of weeks.  I highly recommend you listen.  Her episodes are a bit long but I really enjoy them.  You can find her the Woolful Podcast show notes and Blog here.

Also another subtle reminder about my kickstarter.  Please take a look.
Fiberlicious Kickstarter

And another example of one of our rewards-a T-Shirt:

Have a great week.  And take a look at other bloggers Stitch alongs at Stitch Along Wednesdays

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Tuesday Fo's

Hi Everyone!  I'm glad it's Tuesday.  I like seeing the week go by and Mondays are just not fun.  It's probably because we've just ended 2 days of work free freedom.  (Assuming you've got a M-F schedule like me).  Even when I didn't I think Mondays were hard.  It's probably a mental thing.  What do you think??

In any case Happy Tuesday.  I've got a few finished objects to show you.  It's been a bit since I've posted an FO (although there have been a lot done-I've just been lazy getting photos and posting).

First up-a hat I knit during Christmas week.  Just a basic knit hat-something that I was able to throw in a small purse and take out whenever I had a minute waiting in line (which lets face it-that's everywhere you go during that season).

This hat was knit out of malabrigo Rasta I believe.  

Next up is the Cascade Sweater I knit for a friend's little girl.

 I lengthened the sweater because both parents are tall and she's inherited the height.  I also did an extra repeat of the leave pattern and knit the 2 year size so that E can wear it this year and next. 

Check out these buttons- adorable:

I found the buttons in a Joann's.  (It's what was available to me at the time I was doing the finishing-traveling doesn't always give you a lot of options).  And Joann's did not have a great selection that day.  But the sheep with dangling feet couldn't be passed up and little purple flowers seemed like a good idea.

My Last Fo is the Hitchhiker scarf.  Knit in Shibui sock in red.  This was a special request from my mom after Christmas.  At Christmas I lent her my hitchhiker (green) and she loved it and requested one knit in red.

I haven't blocked it yet and may decide to mail it off unblocked.  The points seem to be fine without blocking and the size is fine without any stretching.  Thoughts?  Do you always block?

I also wanted to tell you about a blog I stumbled across.  I use google translator to read it but it's her photos that draw me in.  Gorgeous hikes and buildings in Bulgaria.  Check it out at Carmela's blog here

And please check out my Kickstarter and share with your friends.

The reward I am highlighting today is another T-shirt design:

Have a great Tuesday!

Monday, February 23, 2015


Hi Everyone:

Happy Monday!  I just wanted to share with you and ask that you share with your friends and family; that I've launched a kickstarter with a friend to raise the remaining funds for our new store.

We've designed some fun shirts and have some other rewards we think any knitter, crocheter or spinner would like.

The link is: Fiberlicious Yarn store Kickstarter

You can see all of our rewards on the kickstarter page.  I'd like to highlight one here today:

We'll be giving you a choice of sizes and colors to choose from.

You can keep up to date on all of our progress at the kickstarter page or on our Facebook page.

Thanks for reading my pitch.  I'll be back tomorrow with some recent finished objects and will return to my regular blogging schedule this Wednesday with WiPs.