Wednesday, July 16, 2014

WiPs Wednesday

I've made progress on my Hitchhiker.  I have 39 teeth knit and just joined the third skein of yarn.  The Blarney Moxie skeins (colorway "Fern") are only 215 yards.  The pattern calls for 42 teeth "because that's the answer to the question about the universe and everything".  Any Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy fans out there?  I read the book as a kid and went to the movie with a group of nerdy friends when I was in Law School.  I enjoyed the movie and was glad to hear they were going to continue making the movies to match the book series.  That never happened (or hasn't happened yet) so the movie must not have made the money or splash that the producers were hoping for.

Who knows.  Maybe it's on a list somewhere.  In any case, Martina says that you can continue knitting teeth as long or short as you'd like.  I am going to get to the last set of teeth knitting and take a look at the overall length of the pattern before deciding whether to bind off or keep going.  I want it long enough to wrap around the neck with decent length ends draping down.  I don't like really short shawls or scarfs that need to be pinned or make me look like I'm wearing a child's item.


I haven't spoken about stash dash since the dash began. I am continuing on.   I've been pulling out UFO's to finish (gotta love a contest that will give you credit for every yard you knit even if you didn't knit during the contest-just did some knitting.).  I've got more than half a sleeve done on a tee shirt I finished in February.  Hated the sleeves-they were cap and decided to frog and reknit regular sleeves.  I'm aiming for right above the elbow.

I've finished a pair of socks using 394 yards.  I've finished a hat using 120 yards.  And have a blanket that just needs all the end woven in and a border placed.  That blanket should get me across the finish line.  Plus I've got one sleeve done for the Estuary tank (to become the estuary short sleeve cardi); just need to finish the second sleeve, steak and then sew the button band.  The dash ends on August 7th so I need to get going.

I'm extremely bored with what's on my needles at the moment.  I keep seeing new  things I want to knit RIGHT NOW.  I am not going to cast anything new on until I cast off some of this stash dash stuff.  But for now, this is what is tempting me:

The Spearmint Tea Shawl by Kateryna Golovanova on Ravelry (I grabbed the photo off the Rav page).  I love the color and the design.  And I think I have at least 20 skeins that I could use...

AND this:

The Kay pattern by Sarah Hatton  on Ravelry.  I would make it about 3 inches longer because this girl does not do crop tops.  But the sweater is gorgeous.  The photo was taken off the Ravelry page and the photographer is listed there.  Go take a look and zoom in.  You'll want to knit it too.

Check out other WiPs on Tamis Amis' Blog

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