Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Hi.  I'm sitting at my desk (during my lunch hour) looking out the window at downtown Los Angeles and wondering when Friday is going to come.  The city line looks very grey today.  It's another hot day (high 80's) without any rain or storms in the near past or future.  (Now I hear rumors that there was a bit of rain over the weekend; lasting about 15 minutes in the Los Angeles area-but haven't seen any tangible proof.  We definitely did not have rain in Orange County.  There was some very extreme lightening on Sunday in the Venice Beach area and sadly one person lost their life and 6 others were injured.  We just don't get weather here.)  In any case the grey of downtown is due to the smog.  No weather means nothing pushes our pollution away.

The hot weather also means that I have very little desire to knit right now.  Which is challenged by my desire to finish stash dash and complete the 3-4 large projects that are close to completion so I can get a win.  I do have a finished pair of socks and am really really really close to finishing the Estuary tank.

I had the pleasure of one of my nieces for the weekend.  Hannah came visiting from Oregon and we went non-stop.  I am exhausted and need a vacation from her vacation.  We went to the garment district in LA with friends and shopped till we dropped.  Then had a lunch that was divine (and possibly the cause of a future angiogram. (just kidding Mom-I do not need an angio).  We went to BadMaash which is an Indian Gastropub downtown.  I heard about this place from Barbara of the Yarnover Truck (she's been instagraming photos of delicious food eaten during Jury Duty lunch breaks).

To tempt you, I offer:

Chicken Tikki Massala Poutine

The photo does not do this dish justice.  It is yummy yummy yummy.  It is what I want as a last meal.  It was soooooooo good.  Traditional Chicken Tikki on top of french fries, brown gravy and cheese curds.  Need I say more?

We also had Butter Chicken.  It was good as well.  Just not Poutine good.

The picky eaters of the group agreed that the food was divine and that "we HAVE to go back".  And so we will.  One day.  When my veins recover.  When my cholesterol returns to normal levels.  Or maybe next week.  Just run 20 miles first.

We also hit the Orange County Fair.  We ate more bad food, rode thrilling rides, and wagered against carnies at the many games.  Hannah and I evaluated, strategized and succeeded at winning 3 times out of 3 times at that shoot water into the tiny hole to blow up the balloon game.  She came away from the fair with 4 stuffed animals.  We also rested our feet while watching a cute family circus within the fair.  This guy was very entertaining:

By Sunday I needed a day of rest.  So we went to the beach.  No resting was had.  There were high waves needing conquering and a couple of teens and I with body boards were just the conquering heroes needed.

It is now Wednesday and I am just about recovered.  In between the shopping, fair and beach were also movies and mall trips and more things that are a blur.  I'm actually glad to be back at work where I can sit avoid more shopping.

I do have knitting to show you.  Even though its been hot and I don't feel like knitting.  I finished the red anklets (more about that Friday).  I've finished the sleeves for the Estuary Tank.  I have not sewed them on yet and still have the steeking and picking up of the button band to finish.  My goal is to have that done by Friday.  **Fingers Crossed**

I cast on a new pair of socks:

OnLine Supersocke in the streamer colorway.  

They have yellow, white and grey, green, blue and a grey blue.  The ribbing is done and I have about an inch of the cuff done.

I've finished half a sleeve in my other Tee that's been languishing since February and hope to have that done before Monday.

I also have ends to weave in on my blanket/ cheater project for stash dash.  (Anything finished counts)

And I need to cast on and finish a hat for a cancer charity hat drive.  That will happen tomorrow night at knitting group.  I'm going to use Caron simply Soft because (having had a bald head and worn hats made from that) I know it will feel good and not itch.

That's it from me for WiPs.  I've got more WiPs that are languishing without any care or knitting.  I'll get back to them as the weather lightens up a bit.  Or at least when it cools down at night.

For more WiPs check out Tamis Amis' Blog

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


I'm so happy it's Wednesday.  It's been a long week over here.  It was a long week at the end of Monday.  This weekend will more than make up for it though.  My niece is coming to visit.  She's 14 and we have a lot of fun things to do.

I've been focusing on my red anklets and the sleeves on a couple of WiPs/ UFOs for stash dash this week.  We're close to the end for stash dash and unless I get these sleeves done I will not make the finish line.

The red anklets are just about finished. I'm on the toe decreases and should be getting close to kitchenering tonight on the train home.

That picture is from last night on the train.  My dress has black and white stripes on the bottom but then merges into a graphic print and flowery print.  I received several compliments on the look yesterday it may just become a favorite dress.  I think it was really the accessorizing.  I wore teal platform heels, black dangly earrings and a black hat.  I overheard a guy yesterday morning at the train station tell another "It's not the clothes, it's the way you rock them and she is rockin that dress".

Back to the knitting:

Still working on sleeves for the Estuary Tank.  Hate these:

So I will be ripping back and trying something else later tonight.  I am bound and determined to finish this tank soon.  Otherwise it'll be fall/winter.  Who am I kidding, this is Southern California, I'll still wear the same stuff.  I want it to be done though.  That should count.

Check out other WiPs at Tamis Amis' Blog

Friday, July 18, 2014

FO Friday

TGIF everyone and Happy Friday.  

I finished the Hitchhiker shawl by Martina Behm.  I used Blarney Yarns (an local indie dyer) in a beautiful green.

The pattern calls for 42 teeth.  I wasn't counting and ended up with 44.  It still needs to be blocked (mainly to get rid of the awful smell caused by the dye-not sure what it is but; yuck).

I love it.  I'd highly recommend this pattern.  Easy to memorize and easy to make.  Tons of garter stitch.

For more Fo's go visit Tamis Amis' Blog and all the other blogs posting FOs.

Have a wonderful weekend.  If you'll be in Southern California the Yarnover Truck will be at Yarn Del Sol this Saturday and the newest OC shop Ewe & You is having their grand opening.  Plus the Orange County Fair is going on and the OC Spinners Guild will be there doing demo's.  Check it out.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

WiPs Wednesday

I've made progress on my Hitchhiker.  I have 39 teeth knit and just joined the third skein of yarn.  The Blarney Moxie skeins (colorway "Fern") are only 215 yards.  The pattern calls for 42 teeth "because that's the answer to the question about the universe and everything".  Any Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy fans out there?  I read the book as a kid and went to the movie with a group of nerdy friends when I was in Law School.  I enjoyed the movie and was glad to hear they were going to continue making the movies to match the book series.  That never happened (or hasn't happened yet) so the movie must not have made the money or splash that the producers were hoping for.

Who knows.  Maybe it's on a list somewhere.  In any case, Martina says that you can continue knitting teeth as long or short as you'd like.  I am going to get to the last set of teeth knitting and take a look at the overall length of the pattern before deciding whether to bind off or keep going.  I want it long enough to wrap around the neck with decent length ends draping down.  I don't like really short shawls or scarfs that need to be pinned or make me look like I'm wearing a child's item.


I haven't spoken about stash dash since the dash began. I am continuing on.   I've been pulling out UFO's to finish (gotta love a contest that will give you credit for every yard you knit even if you didn't knit during the contest-just did some knitting.).  I've got more than half a sleeve done on a tee shirt I finished in February.  Hated the sleeves-they were cap and decided to frog and reknit regular sleeves.  I'm aiming for right above the elbow.

I've finished a pair of socks using 394 yards.  I've finished a hat using 120 yards.  And have a blanket that just needs all the end woven in and a border placed.  That blanket should get me across the finish line.  Plus I've got one sleeve done for the Estuary tank (to become the estuary short sleeve cardi); just need to finish the second sleeve, steak and then sew the button band.  The dash ends on August 7th so I need to get going.

I'm extremely bored with what's on my needles at the moment.  I keep seeing new  things I want to knit RIGHT NOW.  I am not going to cast anything new on until I cast off some of this stash dash stuff.  But for now, this is what is tempting me:

The Spearmint Tea Shawl by Kateryna Golovanova on Ravelry (I grabbed the photo off the Rav page).  I love the color and the design.  And I think I have at least 20 skeins that I could use...

AND this:

The Kay pattern by Sarah Hatton  on Ravelry.  I would make it about 3 inches longer because this girl does not do crop tops.  But the sweater is gorgeous.  The photo was taken off the Ravelry page and the photographer is listed there.  Go take a look and zoom in.  You'll want to knit it too.

Check out other WiPs on Tamis Amis' Blog

Friday, July 11, 2014

Fo Friday and First Yarn

Happy Friday everyone!  I don't have any finished knitting object to show you today.  I do however have some pictures of my first yarn.

It's so soft.  I love it.  It's a bit art yarny-thick and thin.  When I washed and then thwacked it the yarn puffed up.  I think it tripled in size.

I do not know what I will make with it.  But I will do something.  Probably a cowl or maybe a shawl or hat...

I'm loving my spinning wheel and have been aiming for 15 minutes a day.  My spinning is already improving.  It's a lot of fun.

For more FO's check out Tamis Amis' Blog

Have a great weekend and do something fun.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

WiPs Wednesday

I'm glad it's Wednesday.  It's been a long week and having passed the half way point is a relief.

I've made a lot of progress on my Hitchhiker by Martina Behm.  I'm using Blarney fibers in a pretty green.

I've finished turning the heels of my red anklets:

No progress on my Emelie sweater, but It's on my list to get back to after I finish the Hitchhiker.

And my Tee shirt looks the same because I hated the way my sleeves look.  I've got to start over.  I think I am going to use the sleeve pattern from the cinnamon sweater that I've made before.

For more WiPs check out Tamis Amis' Blog

Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy Independence Day & FO Friday

Happy Independence Day!

I hope everyone has had a wonderful holiday.  Enjoy the rest of the holiday weekend.

I have a couple of finished objects to share.  First up is a hat I made for my future Brother in Law.
It's a simple beanie.

And then a pair of socks for my mom:

 I've been listening to fireworks being set off by the neighborhood kids all day.  I really hope they finish up before midnight.  

For more Finished Objects check out Tami's Amis' Blog 

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

WiPs Wednesday

Happy Wednesday.  It's even better this week because of the holiday.  Which means shorter than usual work week for me.  Yay!!!

Last weekend I went camping with friends and had a wonderful time.  We went to a small camp site called Rancho Jurupa out in Riverside.  This little campground is literally right in Riverside City.  About 2 minutes outside the historic area.

It's a cute little place that I hear is usually quiet.  We happened to pick a weekend with girl scouts camping and a couple of family reunions.  Everyone was having a wonderful time and that meant noise.  The noise didn't bother me except for at 6:30 am on Sunday morning.  (Whoever was having a blast laughing at that hour is a sick sick person).  Just saying.

Here are a couple of photos:

 Our little camp site.

 "Ruck" This creature looks like a rooster and a duck got together for some sweet sweet loving and he was the result.  Hence our name for him- Ruck.  Very docile and friendly, would even come swimming across the lake to Lisa if she called him.

The Lake.  For fishing and not swimming.

For Works in Progress this week I have some progress on my Hitchhiker to show you.

I'm using size 3 addi lace needles and am getting used to them.  I think I am a bamboo girl.  I knit much faster and don't have finger pain from the needle sitting on my knuckle with bamboo.  I do get the pain with the addi's.  I know people love them.  So I am giving them a fair shot and am making sure I'm not holding on with the newbie death grip.

I've also been doing some spinning.  I believe it is white cheviot from Paradise Fibers.  But it could be another fiber I bought the same day.  Don't remember off hand and the bag is at home.  I'll let you know if it is something different.

I don't take a break to move the sliding hook often enough.  So I get these bumps.  Mike asked me if I was making something in particular because of the bumps.  Thought it might be a technique or something.  When I told him it is because I don't stop and move the hook he said "oh.  I guess you should do that more often.  Isn't it going to be a problem".  It probably will when I attempt to ply.  But that's later and I'll deal with it then.  It might have been a good time to mention the wooly winder and the automatic loading feature...hmmm.  

Anyway the same pile is still in my WiPs bag.  I've got 4 pairs of socks.  Finished turning the heel on the red anklets.  Haven't touched anything else.

For more WiPs visit Tamis Amis' Blog