Wednesday, April 23, 2014

WiPS Wednesday

Happy Hump Day everyone!

It's a beautiful day out there in Los Angeles today.  Not hot- Barely warm at 70 degrees-but it is wind free and not chilly.  Makes me sad to be inside.  At least I can look at it occasionally as I write an opposition brief at my desk.  I'm taking a break to blog.

I went out of town over the weekend and had a blast.  I spent 2 hours in the air working on the Monsoon shawl.  And wouldn't you know if I ran out of yarn.  I actually ran out over the weekend.  The edging of the Monsoon takes longer than the shawl itself.  It's a 7 stitch 4 row repeat worked in short rows across the bottom.  I ran out of the third color of yarn and don't want a bi-colored edging.  So I went yarn shopping on my way into work this morning.

Unfortunately the shop didn't have my color in stock.  So what's a girl to do?  Yup you guessed it-shop online.  I don't have the ball band with me just a piece of the yarn to match.  And not trusting the color matching between that yarn and my computer screen I did what any rational knitter would do.  I bought 4 balls of yarn.  Each a different color.  All of the colors close to the one I need.  One of them is sure to be the ticket.

Since I was hoping to finish the Monsoon this weekend I was a bit bummed.  Not to worry I just went ahead and cast on another Age of Brass and Steam shawl.  I also worked on my 15 color rainbow socks for a bit.  They now have heels-sort of.

The Age of Brass and Steam is being worked in Madeline Tosh-it's gorgeous.

In that damn hat news-my soon to be bro in law agrees with my husband and says that it isn't likely that he would wear that hat.  So it gets to be frogged and made into something else.  Bro to be has agreed that a beanie would be welcome.  So that damn hat will become a beanie instead.  Much nicer to knit.

I've put another row of 3 x 2 ribbing on my cardi and will be making that my train knitting next week.  I am determined to finish it before the end of May.

That's it for WiPS this week.  The list from previous weeks remains the same minus and FOs reported here.
If you're in So Cal this weekend-check out the Back to Back challenge in Bonita California.  A team will sheer a sheep, spin the yarn and knit a sweater in one day.  They're hoping to beat last years time.

Check out Tamis Amis' blog for more WIPS


  1. What colorway is that MadTosh? It's beautiful! And how maddening is it to run out of yarn right at the end of a project? Your solution is elegant. And completely rational. Yup. ;)

    1. It's Tosh Merino Spectrum colorway. And it is prettier in person. Thanks for agreeing with my rational. Always nice to have back up to my self-enabling yarn purchases.

  2. Nice knitting projects and I like your blog template!
