Wednesday, October 22, 2014

WiPs and an Accomplishment

Happy Wednesday Everyone.

I don't have a lot to show you.  There's been a ton of stuff happening in my personal life and a lot of trips lately.  So while I've been knitting on things I don't have a lot of photos.  Oh and in between all of my weekend trips and work trips I moved last week.  So everything is still in boxes.  Who needs a hay maze or other Halloween related mazes when you have you very own box maze instead?  I have one project that I've been working on steadily over the last week or two.  A pair of socks.  And the only reason that I've been able to work on them is because I leave socks in my purse for travel knitting.  I found my stash.  I haven't found my WiPs.

These are Guardian of the Galaxy socks for my Dad.  He specially requested a pair of socks in the colors of the main characters space ship.  It has a name, I've forgotten it.  I did see the movie; however I am not a super fan and names escape me most of the time anyway.  (It is a good movie).

I finished the heel turn during a CLE (continuing legal education) lunch seminar today.  Now I'll be working on the gussets on the ride home tonight.  If someone would figure out how to type and knit at the same time I'd be set.

Forgive the blurry shot.  The socks are blues, oranges and a tiny bit red.  They look great in person and I promise to get a better shot when I show them off on FO Friday.

Also I have to brag [honestly there was a point between mile 9 1/2 and 12 on a hill from hell that I wanted to sit down and never move again (the ditch on the side of the road would have worked wonderfully for a grave)] because I FINISHED!  I ran the Nike Women's Half Marathon.  I ran the full marathon there in 2007 and wrongly thought a half would be a breeze.

The finishers medal is a Tiffany's Necklace.  And yes there are firemen at the finish line.  They should be at the start line where we look better.  Not bedraggled and sweaty and close to tears.  This is a fun race.  There is a lot of music and tons of spectators cheering us on.  I recommend it to anyone half crazy out there.

For more WiPs check out Tamis Amis' Blog

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