It's been awhile since I've posted. I'm still here. And YAY it's FRIDAY!!! I started a new job with a longer commute and that's just about sucked every last available second and drop of energy from me. I've found my groove and will be commuting via train shortly and should be back to normal soon.
I have to say, I LOVE the train!!!! Absolutely. I took it this morning to work, as a trial run, because I'm attending the Stitch N Pitch at Dodger's Stadium tonight. We'll be knitting or crocheting while watching the Dodger's play the Reds (of Cincinnati). I'm not entirely sure if my LOVE for the train is because I spent the 40 minute ride into downtown LA knitting or if it's because I didn't have to sit through road rage inducing mind numbing hellish traffic. So this could just be first date lust, as it were, and not true LOVE, but for now, I am going with LOVE. I LOVE the train.
So over the next few posts, I will try and catch up on what's been going on. There was the Fiber retreat-which was great. I learned how to use a drop spindle and several different types of spinning wheels, how to use natural dyes, and tons of other stuff. I've got pictures and will dedicate an entire post to the event.
Last weekend, my Twisted Stitchers group had a beach day. It was a very unusual beach day for a southern California July Saturday. Cloudy and in the low 70's. But we enjoyed it anyway.
This is Crystal Cove State Park Beach, down by the Beachcomber Cafe. We trekked down the beach to the cafe for lunch. It is an EXTREMELY popular spot. At 1:30 in the afternoon the waiting time for a table was an hour and forty five minutes! So we went to their take out section instead and lunched picnic style. Good food.
When we arrived back at our spot, we found a small furry friend had invaded and was going through our bags:
Luckily he didn't get away with any one's project or yarn.
That's all I've got for now, but I will leave you with a picture of the owl sleep mask Alisa made for me. It's so cute (It's teal which you can't really see because of the horrible lighting in this bad picture, but It's what I've got with me-so it's all you get.)
I love Laguna Beach and Crystal Cove. You brought back some good memories for me!